Here Comes the Sun: Solar Science & Spirituality

About the Exhibition

The sun is the brightest and most enormous object in our field of view — ever-present — yet in our entire lifetimes, we have never dared look at it directly, because to do so is very dangerous to our eyes. So, it is no wonder that throughout human history, this seemingly “unseen” mysterious object has inspired scientific inquiry, fanciful stories, incredible myths, profoundly beautiful art and literature, and has become a revered symbol in multiple religions. In Southern California, the year-around presence of our sun has significantly shaped our culture from the earliest indigenous communities to our society today.

We are grateful to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), which has operated he Solar Dynamics Observatory since 2010, making the solar footage in this exhibit possible. We are also grateful for the scientific community worldwide, and citizen solar astronomers, for their continuing observations and research into this magnificent star, central to life on Earth.
