A photo of the curator of earth sciences for the san Bernardino County Museum.

Scott Kottkamp

Curator of Earth Sciences

Scott Kottkamp is a paleontologist whose favorite fossil animals are extinct canids (dogs). Before becoming Curator of Earth Sciences at the San Bernardino County Museum, Scott managed collections at the Crater Rock Museum and wrote reports on the paleontological resources of Agate Fossil Beds National Monument, Carlsbad Caverns National Park, and Hagerman Fossil Beds National Monument. Raised in the far suburbs of the Chicago area, Scott’s college education and subsequent work have taken him to Iowa, Missouri, South Dakota, Nebraska, New Mexico, Idaho, Oregon, California, and San Salvador in The Bahamas.

Scott values working in museums because they offer an intersection between scientific communities and the public. Museum collections are integral to research and preserving scientifically significant specimens. Some museum professionals even pursue their own research in a manner analogous to academics. However, museums also have public education and service aspects via their exhibits, public programs, and services. Combining the two, museums serve as an intersection between scientists and the public, where the two can interact and the public can voluntarily develop their scientific literacy.  Additionally, earth science collections keep a wide assortment of fascinating objects that record Earth’s deep history – Scott enjoys just taking time to walk about the collections and take them all in!