Museum Educator

Eliana Zacarias

Curator of Education

Born and raised in the Inland Empire, Eliana Zacarias is the Curator of Education at the San Bernardino County Museum and has a passion for museum education specializing in public programs and community building. She graduated from San Francisco State University with an M.A. in Museum Studies emphasizing in Museum Education and a B.A. in English Literature with a minor in Art History from Pacific Union College. Her educational background drives her interest in the intersections of art, public service, and education. Passionate about equity and accessibility, her graduate thesis formulated several recommendations for museums to improve and build relationships with marginalized and immigrant audiences. Her work in the past 11 years within the museum field has revolved around the development of equitable and inclusive educational experiences for all community members. She is proud to serve her home community through her position at the county museum and to open the doors to the museum to new curious minds.